Monday, March 3, 2008

'Earth Worship' on the rise among evangelical youth

Many youth in churches all over the place are getting into earth worship, the Wiccan religion, and it is beginning to worry all of the older people. It should be. The Wiccan religion is evil, based mainly on bringing up demons, even possessing people sometimes. Wiccans believe that no one can tell them what to do. They believe that nobody on God's green earth can tell them what to do, and the youth like that idea. I think it's completely stupid, because if elders didn't tell us what to do, we'd be stupid and wouldn't know what to do.
They also believe that a creative force lives in the universe and is usually referred to as "The One", or "The All". They believe that all living things have a spirit (plants, trees, animals, stars, planets, rock, people). I don't believe any of it. I believe in one God when the believe in several. I don't think anything has a spirit except humans. But I'm not going to force my beliefs upon them, and hopefully they won't try to force theirs upon us.

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