Friday, February 29, 2008

School Suspends Teens for Wearing Crucifixes

Two high school students:Jaime Salazar,14, and his friend Marco Castro,16, were suspended from school on Monday because they were wearing gifts from their mothers. Crucifixes. The school claims it is gang-related to wear them and they tried to send the teens to the front office, but when they said no, they were suspended. I think that is completely ridiculous. You should be allowed to wear crucifixes. I can understand if they came in wearing swastikas on wristbands or anything like that, but nothing is wrong with wearing a crucifix. Unless you're wearing it as a gang symbol. Then the teachers have all rights to kick them out.
The school corporation backs him up. Because he is the principle, he has the right to ask a student to remove things like that.

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