Monday, February 25, 2008

The ant shall one day conquer the elephant...

Okay, so saturday, I went to make pizzas at my youth group for a thingamabob we do so kids can raise money for camp and stuff. But while I was boxing the pizzas, my friend started to wink. Over and over and over again. I asked her why. She said she wasn't, she got something in her eye. My other friend, her brother, walked past and saw us winking back and forth at each other(yes, we're strange folk). He just stood there staring, so I started to wink at him.

He tried to wink back, but instead, he just started blinking over and over again. So I said,"Hey ------, you're not winking right", and he said,"I know! My wink box is broken!" and walked off while his sister and I stood there laughing. While he was walking, he started trying to wink/blink again, which caused him to run into someone who was carrying boxes across the room which only made us laugh harder because he jumped up and said,"HOLY CRAP!" while picking up boxes. After that the day went on and we ended up finishing early. YAY! Aaaaaannnnnd....that's about it. Gotta go! BYE!!

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