Thursday, February 28, 2008

Japan Launches High-Speed Communications Satellie Atop Rocket

Japan launched an H-2A rocket that is able to send high-speed data transmissions. Named Kizuna, it launched from the southern island of Tanegashima at 5:55 A.M. on Saturday and was at 175 miles by 28 minutes after lift-off. That's really awesome. I'd like to see some of the material collected from the rocket. I bet it's really amazing. With a high-definition cam like that, they could get some pretty sweet feed.
The rocket is mostly just a creation made to be better than the rockets built in China, their rivals. All of the scientists in Japan are excited about the new rocket, and hope it performs to the highest extremes. I hope it does too. I want them to be happy with their new design. As well as just about any other amazing thing created.

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