Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dispute over teen romance suspected in Texas family murders

A family in Texas was attacked on Sunday, leaving three dead and one injured. The dead were Penny Caffey, 37; Matthew Caffey, 13; and Tyler Caffey, 8. The Father, Terry Caffey, is in critical but stable condition in Tyler. Four suspects were taken into custody, one being their 16-year-old daughter, whose name was not released because of her age. That's just disgusting and wrong. I can't believe someone would be so sadistic that they would kill their own family over some stupid romance feud. That's why teenagers really shouldn't date. Because they go getting attached, and think they're in love when they really aren't.
The family was found stabbed and shot repeated times in their home, near 20 acres of remote woodland. The daughter remained in custody on capital murder charges Sunday, the day after the pre-dawn attack. No other information was released about the family, or daughter.

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