Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Search Locates Wreck of Australian Battle Cruiser That Sank in 1941

The wreck of battle cruiser HMAS Sydney has been found off off western Australia ending one of the country's most enduring maritime mysteries. The ship is in about 8,100 feet of water, and its hull is largely intact. It weighed 7,300 U.S. tons, making it the largest vessel from any country to be lost with no survivors during the war. That's both cool and sad at the same time. It's cool that they found those ships, but too bad there weren't very many survivors of the shipwreck.
It was not immediately clear whether these are plans to raise the Sydney if it is found. Rudd had instructed the defense Department to contact relatives of the sailors who died aboard the Sydney about the find. Ted Graham, chairman of the Finding Sydney Foundation, the group carrying out the search, said a remote-operated vehicle would be used to further examine the wreckage found on the sea floor for clues about the battle.

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