Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nearest Star System Might Harbor Earth Twin

Scientists believe they may have found another earth. There is a planet in another star system that was formed by terrestrial planets that are likely to have formed around a star. A model showed planets forming around the star Alpha Centauri B in what is called the "habitable zone". This is where liquid water can exist on a planet's surface. I think it would be awesome if there was another planet like earth out there because then we'd have a reason to build better rockets and such to go to that planet and start growing more people on that planet. Then it would be just like having two earths.
Astronomers have for some time pinned the Alpha Centauri system as one that was likely to form planets. If such a planet is found there, spacecraft could be launched to find out more information about the world, such as whether it had water on the surface or not.

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