Monday, March 10, 2008

Britain's Prince Harry Longs For Return to Combat Zone

Twenty-three-year-old Prince Harry had to abort a military mission to Afghanistan because press received information of his whereabouts and started to track him down. He was supposed to serve until April but was only able to serve for about 10 weeks. Though he would love to go back out, he won't be able to until the press fades down. Which is estimated to be in about 12 to 18 months. He was trained as a fighter pilot in the military and was incredibly eager to go overseas to fight for the country. I think the press just need to keep their noses out of this stuff. If he wants to fight overseas, they should let him, rather than butting into his business.
The Air Chief Marshall, head of Britain's army, said that any future deployment would depend on whether Harry poses as a risk to his colleagues. Doing this would cause many difficulties for Prince Harry and all those who support and help his service. He and his family were disappointed that he had been forced to abort his combat tour, yet security acknowledged that Harry's service in Afghanistan could make him a target for extremists in Britain. Posts were actually found on the internet of plots to kill Prince Harry and send a video of it to his family. Other past royals have seen combat, some more than once. The most recent was the princes' uncle.

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