Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Critic cities stats -- Earth cooling down, not warming up

All the things being said about global warming have been proven wrong. Scientists just found out that the world isn't warming up, it's cooling down. Since 2001, the temperature has slightly declined and scientists are getting worried about the 'disturbingly quiet solar cycle'. This, I think, is more than likely true. Because the global warming activists haven't shown any proof of the earth warming. The only proof they've had was shown in Al Gore's movie, 'An Inconvenient Truth'. Even that didn't really show any proof.
I think all of that was just a scam to get attention. But the global cooling is probably true, because the scientists studied up on their homework, and had proof. An investigation has recently been called as to why temperatures were not continuing to rise as predicted. It was shown that from 1940-1975, the earth's temperature has lowered while the CO2's temperature has risen. Global warming activists have tried to promote the opposite, yet had no proof. As shown in 'An Inconvenient Truth'.

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