Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mom, Sister Say Farewell to Michael

An 6-year-old Evansville boy name Michael Canary died on Friday after having lived with multiple tumors in his head that caused serious headaches that were so painful, he often vomited. When the boy died, he was 130 pounds, which was a result from a doctor's prescription. Michael underwent surgery last month to insert a small shunt that would help drain fluid from his head. It was supposed to be good for 10 years, but started leaking right away. He stopped breathing in his Mother's arms, and in his bed, which was exactly where he wanted to be when he died. That's really sad. I wish they could have done something to help him. If they had found a way to remove the tumors. Then he probably wouldn't have died.
He was getting morphine every hour at the end, so he must have been in pain. It wasn't quite a coma though, because if you bent down to give him a kiss, he'd turn his face in your direction. His appetite began to shut down two weeks ago. His Mother could only get him to eat baby food. When copies of the documents were received, it included documents from a pediatric oncology specialist at Riley's Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, which confirmed the tumors couldn't be cured.

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